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A Determination of Image Color Intensity Technique for Testing the Efficiency of Fire Alarms System.
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Abstarct A fire alarm system is one method for detecting and send out fire alarm signs. Fire alarm systems increasingly rely on image intensity analysis software, which is a rare and expensive import. In fact, camera equipment can be used with RPG systems and was designed to analyse color intensity and warning times. This study was carried out in a university laboratory to investigate changes in image during fire and the color intensity of commonly used materials in buildings. A study was conducted to develop a standard laboratory for testing fire alarm equipment, comparing the igniting duration and warning time of fire alarm devices for five typical types of building fuels: synthetic fabric, paper, wood, polyvinyl chloride plastic, and artificial rubber. The study found that the ignition time of paper fuel was the fastest at 4.4 ? 1.3 seconds, whereas the ignition time of polyvinyl chloride plastic fuel was the slowest at 42.6 ? 2.1 seconds, with paper having the fastest burning time and synthetic fabric having 19 the slowest. In each type of fuel, the pre-burning phase and the smoke-forming phase had a color intensity change of 1-3 times, but the initial ignition phase had a color intensity variation of 5-8 times. Sensitivity analysis of the alarm in the event of a fire to determine the effectiveness of the alarm. As a result, it was evident that the fire alarm efficiency of the color intensity was greater compared to the conventional alarm because it could alarm more rapidly. How-ever, a programme that could read and interpret the outcomes in different ways, including the prevention of false alarms, should be developed. Before implementation, additional research and development were required.